Experience: Getting Admitted For A Master’s Program In UNILAG 


If you failed at your first attempt at getting admitted to study your choice course, will you give up or try again?

In 2012, I applied to University of Lagos for a master’s degree in Public Administration. I bought the relevant past questions and studied hard for the Entrance Exams. I did not pass the exam. Why I failed?

It was majorly due to POOR TIME MANAGEMENT in answering the questions. The Masters in Public Administration entrance examination is divided into three sections; a comprehension test, objectives and essay questions.

I spent almost all the exam time answering the comprehension questions. After the exam, I felt really bad knowing the sections I did not attempt had questions I could answer effortlessly. Poor time management hindered my chances of getting admitted that year.

In 2013, I decided to give the exam another try and employed a technique I learnt in my Secondary School days. I thoroughly read the questions for the Comprehension test before reading the passage. This gave me ample time to identify the relevant areas in the passage and how to tackle the questions.

Two months later, the results were released and I was 100% positive I’ll get admitted. I passed the cut off mark by a wide margin. I was proud of my effort and elated that I was admitted to study my choice Course in one of Nigeria’s finest University.

questions and answersNote: The materials I studied for the Post Graduate Extrance Exams are available on Q and A App. Download Q and A App from Google Playstore

Contributed by Saadu Suleiman

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