Tag Archives : xovar lounge

Application Wheel Koncepts (APPSWHEEL) calls on interested members of the public to participate in a free WordPress training scheduled for Dec 16 – 20, 2013. This is part of our drive to make tremendous impact in the development of skilled IT personnel in Nigeria and Africa at Large. OUR VISION To use ICT as a…

And the Lord spoke to Noah & said: “In six months I’m going to make it rain until the whole earth is covered with water & all the evil people are destroyed. But I want to save a few good people, and two of every kind of living thing on the planet. I am ordering…

As part of the activities lined up to thrill her customers and socialites next month – December 2013, our sponsors (Xovar Lounge) presents TGIF Show – 1 ARTISTE, 1 ACTRESS, 1 STAGE. This is entertainment at it best in an environment that is safe, exquisite and serene.  

Relaxation, Entertainment and Ambience at its finest Xovar Lounge Restaurant boasts a wide array of dishes. From desserts to main meals and appetisers. Visit official website Private Events Menu Business Lunch Food Delivery  Private Event Hiring Xovar Lounge is the ideal venue for any event. outer/inner spaces can accommodate up to 3,000 guests at once….