Tag Archives : unemployment in Nigeria

Note: This article is intended for Nigerians only. OPE O, UP NEPA!!! A regular reaction elicited whenever NEPA restores power within the estate I live. On this occasion, I could filter out the voices of Favour my 3 years old neighbor, Jide, a professional photographer in the neighborhood and Mr. Segun, who lives on the…

N-power, is a Federal Government initiative targeted at training and empowering 600,000 young Nigerians to drive social and economic development. The programme is segmented into 3 areas namely, N-Power Teachers Corps- 500,000 graduates, N-Power Knowledge – 25,000 non-graduates, N-Power Build- 75,000 non-graduates. See full details of the Programme on the Npower website.  A school of…

Prior to graduation, many undergraduates dream of seamless integration into the world of high paying blue collar jobs. Upon graduation, many are faced with the harsh reality of unemployment. The Nigerian Bureau of Statistics puts the unemployment rate in Nigeria at 10.4 per cent (at last quarter of 2015). This article outlines 5 things you…

Truthfully, I’m not a writer, in fact I have never published any major article in my life, I guess this would be my first. But I just thought I address one recurring issue which I find amongst my age group and my peers. An issue that I have heard so much about on the news,…