Tag Archives : Q and A App

Q and A App unveils Computer Based Test (CBT) feature

In a bid to help students, professionals and job seekers better prepare for tests and exams, Q and A App team has built a CBT feature on the App. With over 47,000 users and a growing user base, the App ease of use and the availability of valuable materials makes it the choice App for…

Q and A App Partners Educational Advancement Center (EAC) to offer 3000+ Video Lessons for Senior Secondary School Subjects/Topics (S S 1 – S S 3) Techpedia Integrated Services Limited, the developers of Q and A App has partnered Educational Advancement Center (EAC) to offer eLearning video lessons to Senior Secondary School Students (S.S 1…

**There are four ways of getting a Graduate entry Job in Nigeria, find out which one works for you. **Job seekers are often in a rush to purchase all kinds of Job test study packs… find out the two most important study packs you should get. This guide is meant to inform and prepare you…

The Chartered Institute of Stockbrokers (CIS) is an Institute chartered by Act of parliament of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in 1992 with the responsibility of providing professional qualification for Stockbrokers and other Securities and Investment professionals. The CIS regulates the activities of over 15,000 members (students, associates, fellows and graduates, Stock Marketing Agent, diploma,…

Dear Ajuwaya, Your Service year will be one of the ‘shortest’ one year span you’d experience in your lifetime. How you spend it can make or mar you. I have long desired writing this piece but kept putting it till another day until my recent visit to the Lagos State NYSC Secretariat. I was there…

Looking at Junior’s promotion report sheet, Papa Junior, called in a stern voice, “Junior, come here!” Despite recording first position in Christian Religious Studies and making the overall 10th best result in a class of 35 students, Juniors heartbeat has not stopped skipping since he got his report sheet. Who made the overall best position…

As a student you probably would not believe us if we tell you that are absolutely naive and no, you are not on top of the world. You will soon graduate from the university, service year is going to be awesome (at least according to the stories you’ve heard). After service, you are going to…