
What is the distance between Yesterday and Tomorrow?
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Fine Arts used to be one of my favourite subjects in Junior Secondary School; I looked forward to the class which normally held at the Fine Arts lab. The subject was taught by Mr. Osayi, a middle aged soft spoken teacher who had a good mastery of his subject. The approach he employed in teaching the subject made me fall in love with his class and the subject.

Just yesterday, I ran my mind back on some of the moments I had in the Fine Art lab. It was a worthwhile exercise as it births the article you are running your eyes through and the lessons this writing hold.

I recalled these terms motif, mosaic, tonal value, perspective drawing. It was interesting to know I could still define them as were taught 13 years ago. Also, I recalled a particular session on the Composition of a Drawing. Lines he said (Mr. Osayi) are a major component of drawings and defined a Line as the distance between two points. Examples of lines include:

  • Dash
  • Dotted
  • Hidden
  • Zig-Zag
  • Continuous


I concluded the recollection with the memory of the 2000/2001 Junior WAEC (West African Examination Council) Fine art examination. One of the questions in the practical section read; Make a side view drawing of the person seated by your side. I looked to my left and right. To my right was Samuel Ebune, to my left was Amara Onyejekwe (Now Mrs. Onyia). I had no second thought at whose side view to draw – Amara (the beautiful daughter of my Home Economics teacher). The only “regrets” I had was not showing her the beautiful drawing I made. For the records, I made an “A” in the examination.

Now you wonder what lesson my flash back holds. Did you know that a dot is equally a Line (has two ends)? To point out the lesson I want to pass, I have likened Lines to Goals. The distance between two points is a line. What is the distance between your goals, dreams and their realization? Your response answers the question, what is the distance between Yesterday and Tomorrow?

My answer to the question is today. Today is the tomorrow we talked about yesterday. Therefore, want stands between you and the goals you want to achieve is what you do today. In the words of Abraham Lincoln, “The best thing about the future is that it only comes one day at a time”. To create a prosperous future is to make the most of Today. It is not wrong to say that, “life is a collection of todays”, is it? It does not matter how “small” you think your goals are;  to achieve any goal requires some effort.

Effort, perseverance, belief and practice; are the “tools” you must put to use today. Whatever you seek to achieve, take a step towards it realization; knowing well that Rome was not built in day and that little drops of water makes the ocean

Never give procrastination the opportunity to steal away your future (today). Procrastination takes from its victims their future in the present.

I don’t know how far you have gone towards realizing your life goals. I charge you to keep up your efforts, persevere and NEVER GIVE UP. Thank you for reading; I hope it was worth your time.

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