Some of the parents who enrolled their Children for Q and A App Online Academy initially had a concern – how to monitor the time they spend learning and how to keep them off harmful sites.
After sharing the information below with them, they had no worries. We are sharing it with you and we hope it will convince you to get an Android device for your child(ren) to enable them learn on Q and A App and on other useful sites.
The Google Family Link app lets you set digital ground rules remotely from your own device to help guide your child(ren) as they learn, play, and explore online.

Photo Credit: UNICEF
Features of the Childs Device Monitoring App Includes:
• Supervise your Childs Google Account
• Helps you monitor the time your child spends on Apps and place time restriction
• Helps you guide your child to good content
• Manage the Apps your child can use
• Lets you track your Childs location
• Manage the websites your child can use
How it Works
You will install the Parent version of the App on your Phone and install the Children version of the App on your Childs phone. Parents can then set the monitoring and privacy controls on their App. For best results, ensure that only Google Chrome is the installed browser on your Childs phone.
Note: Your child will not be able to uninstall the App.
How to use the Google Family Link app
Step One:
Install Google Family Link for parents App on your device from Google Playstore
Step two:
Install Google Family Link for children & teens App on your Childs device from Google Playstore
Step Three:
Connect child phone to Parent with a code provided on parent phone.
Step Four:
Set the App Controls
A. Parent can approve App before a child can install.
B. Restrict Access to the Sites your child can visit.
Note: Ensure that only Google Chrome Browser/App is installed on the Childs phone at the time of effecting the restrictions.
Subsequently, your child will need your permission before they can install a new App.
If you have questions or need help, Chat Q and A App Customer Service on 07052193183.
If you have a Child in Senior Secondary School (SS 1 – SS 3), enrol him/her to Q and A App Online Academy today.
Install Q and A App from Playstore