“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” ― Leo Buscaglia
I was taught the care of the eyes, nose, ears, skin and teeth in my primary school. I remember my attempts at drawing the eyes, teeth as a primary school pupil.
The care of the eyes, nose, ears, teeth and skin also formed part of the Junior Secondary School Curriculum – in subjects like Integrated Science, Home Economics.
My Biology Teacher in Senoir Secondary School took it further by explaining in details the working mechanism of each Sense Organ.
My Chaplain (at the University) in one of his sermon, laid emphasizes on the senses. He admonished that they must be put to good use. He made his points using this mnemonic SEE NO EVIL (EYES), SAY NO EVIL (TONGUE) and HEAR NO EVIL (EAR) – He demonstrated this by placing his hands over his eyes, mouth and ears in quick succession. Permit me to include TOUCH NO EVIL (SKIN).
Before I continue, I will like to share my first lecture as an undergraduate with you. The course was GENERAL STUDIES (GNS 101), topic centered on SKIMMING, SCANNING AND READING. The lecturer explained what each term meant and made a comparison between them.
SKIMMING is used to get the general overview of a text; it’s carried out with speed and with less concentration. He maintained that SCANNING is similar to skimming – a quick search through a document or piece of writing in order to locate a particular information. While READING takes place at a slower speed – it involves concentration.
The bottom line was: when studying to know, for examination purpose, READING (STUDYING) is most appropriate.
By the analogy above, you will find that so much importance is accorded the sense organs. What makes them so important? Can you tell me why?
That’s the question this writing seeks to find answers to – Why is the Care, Uses of the Sense Organs taught from the primary to tertiary level. While I wait to read your answer, below are my thoughts – personal attempt to answer the question. They include an overview of the lessons I learnt from my different teachers.
An adage in my local dialect (Yoruba) says that oju ni imole ara (direct translation: the eyes gives light to the body.
The primary function of the eyes is for sight. You will agree that your eyes mean a lot to you. I guess you will not trade them for anything, will you? Yet the scripture (bible) records an account were Jesus admonished his followers to pluck out their eyes if it leads them to sin. A good example is what happens when you stare lustfully at the opposite Sex. The message of Jesus parable was to stress the importance of taking proper care of the sense organs- putting them to the right use.
Answer the objective question below
Question: What part of the body patronizes Pornography?
a. The Nose
b. The Eyes
c. The Mouth
d. None of the above
- Do not read in dim light.
- Eat lots of fruits and veggies
- Avoiding playing with sharp objects.
- Do not look at a bright light directly
- Avoid staring at a computer screen for long periods
and avoid watching porn.
Make the best of your eyes; Read between the lines when you study school books, employment letter, privacy policies, legal documents and other information source. If you are a parent, observe your children closely as they grow. If you are a teacher, ensure to watch over the pupils under your care.
Study your environment and make the most of the resources and opportunities around you. Finally, as a general rule, be mindful of your environment.
Voltaire called the ear the “road to the heart.” It seems an apt description. Consider how a child’s cry, a romantic song, or the thump of a neighbor’s stereo at 3 a.m. can stir your emotions.
“You do not listen to me”, have you heard these words among couples? Many marriage counselors stress the importance of communication among couples. It is regarded as one of the major shareholder in good relationships, marriages. I also remember a topic in General Studies that bothered on the difference between listening and hearing.
Hearing and listening are terms frequently interchanged with each other but their true definitions are vastly different. Understanding the differences can enhance your relationships with employees and co-workers and even improve your job performance.
Hearing is the physical sense of perceiving sound. Listening is a mental exercise requiring diligent intention and constant practice. One is a sense we are born with; the other a skill to attain.
Care of the Ears Include
- Do not put fingers or towels in your ears.
- Do not introduce foreign objects in your ears
- Bath with clean water; unclean water can cause ear infections
- When using an earpiece ensure the audio volume is moderate
- Do not listen to gossips.
Make the best of your ears; lend a listening ear to your spouse, co-workers whenever they speak to you. As an employee, listen to instructions from your superiors and ensure you understand their orders. As a student, make effective listening a habit, it is important for effective note taking.
I ate a plate of fried rice for lunch at Tastee Fried Chicken restaurant, the meal was very delicious. Before I left for the restaurant, I invited Khadijat to join me for lunch. No thanks to the poor service by my mobile telecommunication service provider, the only words I heard from her were, “I can hardly hear you, can you speak louder please?” afterwards, the line went off.
Beyond meals, the tongue is the organ of speech; a communication tool. Recruiters and Government organisations place importance on effective communication skill; as a result “Effective communication skill” is now a common entry on Curriculum Vitae (CV).
Tiny as the tongue looks, the scripture describes it as having the power of life and death.
Have you heard about the law of the Universe or the law of attraction; that you attract to yourself what you say, wish for yourself?
A perfect example of positive speech making; is the I have a dream speech by Martin luther Jnr.
As a young child mum stressed that while brushing the teeth, it is important to wash the tongue properly.
- eat healthy
- don’t sip too hot soup/liquid
- don’t put sharp objects in your mouth
- don’t lick dirty objects to avoid infection
- avoid too spicy food
- always gargle or rinse your mouth after eating
- don’t swallow inedible object esp chemicals
- avoid tongue piercing as much as possible
- when brushing your teeth scrape your tongue gently too
Make the most of your tongue, learn to compliment others with words like, you look nice, you look beautiful, I love your outfit, I Love you – be honest and generous with your compliments. Learn to express yourself effectively.
You smell nice; I got this compliment from my colleague at work today. He asked what perfume I wore. You can tell that his organ of smell is active. The nose is a very important part of the body. The biblical account has it that, God breathe life into man through his nostrils.
It will not be wrong to say that, No breathe, No life.
It is important that we inhale clean, fresh air. Therefore we must learn to take proper care of the environment by avoiding activities that promote air pollution.
- Maintain proper humidity levels in your home;
- Avoid letting dust accumulate in your home;
- Avoid cigarette smoke;
- Maintain a daily nasal cleansing routine especially for young children;
- Clean the nose more frequently when you have a respiratory infection or allergies;
- Use gentle non-irritating products that are specially made for nasal hygiene. Homemade remedies should be avoided.
The skin forms a cover over the body. It interfaces with the environment and is the first line of defense from external factors. The skin plays a key role in protecting the body against germs and excessive water loss.
Without our sense of touch, it would be very hard to get around in this world! We wouldn’t feel our feet hitting the floor when we walked, we wouldn’t sense when something sharp cut us, and we wouldn’t feel the warm sun on our skin.
Touch is very vital in relationships. As it is one of the love languages among couples, humans. Married couples can say more about this. I do not have much to write about the effect of touch in relationships – I am not married, when I do, I will furnish you with all the information – smiles.
- Don’t smoke
- Manage stress
- Eat a height diet
- Do not use bleaching
- Treat your skin gently
- Pat dry.
- Limit bath time.
- Shave carefully.
- Avoid strong soaps.
- Moiturize dry skin
- Protect your self from the sun.
There is a sixth-sense; I will share my writings on it when I read your answer to this question, why is the Care, Uses of the Sense Organs taught from the primary to tertiary level? I have just shared my thoughts with you. It is your turn.
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1 Comment
Excellent write up you have there and great opinion of the senses. No man can live without them. It makes human a human being. I would like to add that to keep the mouth fresh and smelling nice, never keep mute for a long period of time.