Category : Career

This article was originally written by Scott Pollack with the title – What, Exactly, Is Business Development? “I do biz dev.” Few times in history have more ambiguous words been spoken. Ask ten “VPs of Business Development” or similarly business card-ed folks what is business development, and you’re like to get just as many answers. “Business development is…

Technology Management is a body of science linking science, technology, engineering and social sciences including management for the purpose of building technological capability for running of an organization in order to achieve strategy objectives/goals. It involves the application of management skills to the discovery, development, operation and proper use of technology.

It is the pride of every Engineering student to have the title “Engr.” precede their names.  It is for this reason that knowbaseconsult interviewed Engr. Ahmed Kazeem on the procedures required for a fresh engineering graduate to become a registered Engineer with the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) and Council for Regulation of Engineering  in…

Are you a graduate? Do you have a viable business idea? Do you already have a small exisiting business? Are you ready to take charge of your financial future? If you answered yes to this questions, Enterprise Graduate Empowerment Scheme is for YOU! (EGES) APPLICATION METHOD

In the quest to provide valuable career information to secondary school leavers and undergraduates, Knowbase consult conducted an interview with an ICAN certified, practicing accountant with over 5 years working experience in the banking sector. What advice do you have for Secondary School Leavers? Secondary School Leavers who have sat and passed the Senior Secondary…