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The information provided in this article is designed to educate and provide answers to frequently asked questions by prospective PMP, CAPM candidates.
What’s Project Management All About?
Project management is a carefully planned and organized effort to accomplish a specific (and usually) one-time objective, for example, construct a building or implement a line of new computer systems. Project management includes developing a project plan, which includes defining and confirming the project goals and objectives, identifying tasks and how goals will be achieved, quantifying the resources needed, and determining budgets and timelines for completion.
It also includes managing the implementation of the project plan, along with operating regular ‘controls’ to ensure that there is accurate and objective information on ‘performance’ relative to the plan, and the mechanisms to implement recovery actions where necessary.
Projects usually follow major phases or stages (with various titles for these), including feasibility, definition, project planning, implementation, evaluation and support/maintenance. (Program planning is usually of a broader scope than project planning, but not always – note: the terms program and programme have significant variations in their meaning in different geographical areas, e.g. Europe and USA.)
Who is a Project Manager?
A project manager is a professional in the field of project management. Project managers can have the responsibility of the planning, execution, and closing of any project, typically relating to construction industry, architecture, computer networking, telecommunications or software development. Many other fields in the production, banking, design and service industries also have project managers.
A project manager is the person accountable for accomplishing the stated project objectives. Key project management responsibilities include creating clear and attainable project objectives, building the project requirements, and managing the triple constraint for projects, which is cost, time, and scope.
A project manager is often a client representative and has to determine and implement the exact needs of the client, based on knowledge of the firm they are representing. The ability to adapt to the various internal procedures of the contracting party, and to form close links with the nominated representatives, is essential in ensuring that the key issues of cost, time, quality and above all, client satisfaction, can be realized.
Why you should get a PMP Certification?
While we are used to thinking of ICAN for an Accountant, companies today are doing the same for the Project Manager with a PMP Certification. The PMP Certification is a criterion that many employers have begun to use as a minimum entry standard for their Project Managers or Technical Leaders.
Project Management, in today’s Nigeria, has grown simultaneously with entrepreneurship, birth, growth and sustainability of organizations. It is fast becoming one of the most sought-after workplace skills by corporate bodies and newly emerging entrepreneurs.
Businesses are now becoming more project-focused and are clamouring for discipline, standardization and effectiveness in the management of their projects. If you are trying to compete for a job in project management skills, you are competing against PMPs.
It has also been said that the technically disciplined Project Manager is the hardest skill set to find. If you are a great technical person, and can enhance your project management skill the project management way, you will definitely stand out over competition, whether for job security, promotion or a new job.
What are the benefits of attending a Project Management Professional Training?
- You will learn methodologies for working with project teams formed across traditional, functional and organizational boundaries. It teaches how to apply the methods and principles of project management.
- It will help in correcting common mistakes in estimating project cost and time schedules so that deadlines can be set and met.
- You will learn how to predict customer needs and hence, face competition in a better way.
- It will help you to overcome difficulties that Project Managers often face due to the complex nature of projects, high risks of failure involved and long term planning processes.
- It will help to create an environment of quality consciousness in the organization.
Are there any mandatory requirements needed to take the exam?
PMI has a requirement of a minimum of 35 contact hours of project management training before taking the exam. The training also provides a proven roadmap to PMP exam success that self study groups do not.
I have years of experience as a Project Manager, why should I take a PM course?
“Experience doesn’t equate to PMP success. Remember, the PMP exam is geared for persons with at least 3 years experience of working on projects. PMI has a standard way of looking at things that not every company takes the time to implement.
I don’t have enough experience to write PMP exam; is there a way around it?
There’s a certification for those new to project management; it’s the CAPM (Certified Associate in Project Management). This is an entry level into the project management field.
How hard is the exam?
“It’s not an easy exam. 200 and 150 questions, 4 and 3 hours for the PMP and CAPM respectively. It covers 10 knowledge areas, 5 process groups, framework, professional and social responsibilities, calculations, situational questions, who fixes what, etc. We teach you to break down the question formats, learn to apply the formulas, and attack the exam, instead of it attacking you. This is not an easy exam, but we can prepare you for PMP exam success.”
When and where can I take the PMP exam?
“Locations can be seen at http://www.prometric.com/. We recommend a smaller test center (if you have an option) as they are a bit quieter and have less people coming and going from the room you are testing in. Unlike some exams that have fixed dates, the PMP exam is offered whenever you can schedule it. You will receive an approval letter from PMI to take the exam. It will have your authorization number on it, and you will need this to schedule the test. You will have one year from the date on the letter to take the exam.”
How soon will I know if I passed the exam?
You will know if you have passed the exam before you leave the workstation at the test center where you have taken the test. You will be given a report with your score on the exam before you leave the test center. Within one month you should receive the supporting documents from PMI in the mail.
I don’t have a degree in a project management related filed, can I still write the PMP exam?
The PMP certification is not limited to any particular field. You can get certified irrespective of the degree you hold.
Must I be a member of PMI to write the exam?
No. you don’t have to be a member to write the exam. PMI membership is optional.
Have other questions?
Call a representative of Eighth-May Solutions on 08084444759, a leading Project Management Training Institute in Nigeria.
1. What is the cost for registering for PMI membership?
Membership registration is $139 for individuals.
2. What is the cost of the CAPM exam?
The CAPM exam is $300 for non PMI members and $225 for PMI members.
3. What is the cost of the PMP exam?
The PMP exam is $555 for non PMI members and $405 for PMI members.
4. How and where do I make payments for these exams?
Payment for membership and exam registrations are made on the PMI website with your credit card.
5. Do I have to complete payment for the exam before attending the training?
No. You start the application process after the training.
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