Year: 2015

A story is told about a soldier who was finally coming home after having fought in Vietnam. He called his parents from San Francisco. “Mom and Dad, I’m coming home, but I’ve got a favor to ask. I have a friend I’d like to bring with me.” “Sure,” they replied, “we’d love to meet him.”…

I was admitted to study Mechanical Engineering at the University of Ilorin in the year 2005. I spent my time living on the schools hostel accommodation. Over this period, I lived with different roommates – each Session got me new roommates. I had a preference for staying on the campus because it afforded me some…

Generally, harmattan is the usual herald of the December month, what with the biting cold that comes with it. Immediately the rain ceased, it gave way to a cold wind that competes with the sun, such that even when the sun is high in the sky, you still feel cold! The nights are trickier: the…

Four African universities are to receive $86.6m over the next eight to 10 years from the MasterCard Foundation in scholarship funds and other support for economically disadvantaged young people, MasterCard Foundation CEO Reeta Roy announced in Cape Town on December 3. Makerere University in Uganda, the universities of Pretoria and Cape Town in South Africa,…

Had Mr. And Mrs. Sehinde Omope rated material things above their children’s education, the success recorded by their son, Oluwatosin, could have been impossible. Not only did Oluwatosin obtain a first class degree, the 21-year-old also emerged the 2014 overall best-graduating student of the Crawford University, Igbesa, Ogun State. He obtained a 4.79 Cumulative Grade…

One of the emerging concepts when it comes to having an office today is the virtual office. Basically, a virtual office is a very practical way to reduce costs. Instead of operating an actual office complete with all the tangible facilities and maintenance, a virtual office offers the same convenience as an actual office but…

One Friday night in my first term of college, I found myself at a house party with other members of my university women’s singing ensemble. Standing there surrounded by people who were drinking and partying, I suddenly thought, “What am I doing?” It was to avoid the student partying lifestyle and to meet people who…