
2014 SNEPCO LIVEWIRE LAGOS STATE APPLICATIONThe Shell Nigeria Exploration and Production Company (SNEPCo) and her co-venturers announces the commencment of the 2014 SNEPCo LiveWIRE Nigeria Programme for Lagos State.

SNEPCo LiveWIRE Nigeria Programme is a youth enterprise development programme which aims to inspire, encourage and support young people aged 18-35 to start up their own businesses through the provision of finance and training for young entrepreneurs.

Click here to Apply NOW!

2014 shell live wire supporting bright mindsProgramme Content

  1. Bright Ideas and Become a Successful Business Owner Manager workshops
  2. Business Awareness Forum
  3. Young Business Leaders Awards
  4. Business Incubation and support services
  5. Business Information and Enquiry Service

Applications Are Invited From

  1. Male and female applications from any part of the country aged between 18-35 years
  2. Male and female applicants resident in Lagos State
  3. Male and female applicants with a desire to establish or have existing business in Lagos State
  4. Male and female applicants with an innovative business idea
  5. Male and female applicants with higher education qualifications

The deadline for applications to the 2014 SNEPCo LiveWIRE Nigeria Programme (for Lagos State) is Thursday 30th October 2014.

Click here to Apply NOW!

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