At 8:00pm on the night of Feb 13, 2010 I laid on my bed (I was an undergraduate at that time). After lying down for about 45 minutes, sleep refused to take its course. I picked up my world receiver and tuned to Unilorin FM
The programme on air was about Valentine’s Day. It was quite interesting, people called in to express their opinion about the day, how they intend to spend it. Each call was followed by a cool love song. I remember listening to “Stay with You” by John Legend and Abike, a song by two Unilorin undergraduates.
I listened to the different opinion aired by the callers; most centered on the relationship that exists between a Man and Woman. Many said they will spend time with their lovers; take them out and shower them with gifts. Few said they will spend time with their loved ones and family members.
One view stood out; it was that of a man who expressed indifference about the day, his opinion must have been shaped by his financial situation and the spate of things in the country. “How is one expected to show love when He/She can barely afford three square meals”, he asked?
Is love expressed with money? I muttered. At this point, I found out that the other members of my room were also listening to the radio programme. Yemi queried, BabT (my nickname), don’t you know that love cannot be expressed without money?
He continued, I don’t blame you; as you no get girlfriend how you wan take know (Meaning: My ignorance about the relationship between love, women and money is attributable to the fact that I did not have a girlfriend at that time).
This marked the beginning of an interesting conversation among my roommates. I turned down the volume of my world receiver as we began our own discussion about Valentine day and Love Matters. At this point, I was sitting up in my bed.
My room was a room of eight people. We comprised of four final year students (Bamidele, Nathaniel were Industrial Chemistry undergraduates, Myself – a Mechanical Engineering undergraduate and Rafiu – A Biochemistry finalist). The others were Nonso, Segun, Yemi (all Law undergraudates) and Henry, a foreign student from Benin republic.
In room A42, we lived like one big family, we discuss, argue about different topics but kept love matters private. Feb 13, 2010 night was an exception. Bamidele and Nathaniel were bunk mates and pastors in their different campus fellowships. I directed a question at Pastor Bami, “Tell us about what you think about Valentine’s Day, also, tell us about your babe (girlfriend)”. As was expected, He was quick to reference the bible, taking about AGAPE love (which is the love of Christ). The other members of the room were quick to cut him short.
I continued, pastor Bami, we all know about the love of Christ, tell us about your girlfriend. I do not have a girlfriend was his response. Pastor! Screamed Segun, you and Pastor Nathy will continue to hide under the guise of “pastorship”, brothers and sisters in the Lord. You had better confess your love for the sister you love before it is too late. That was Segun’s candid advice to the pastors. An outburst of laughter greeted his admonition.
By now, Yemi had assumed the position of moderator. He continued with the questioning. We all took turn to express our views about Valentine’s Day, Love and Love life (for those who were in a relationship). Mr. Moderator (Yemi) was the last man to speak; his account was the peak of the discussion.
Before I share his view, let me give you an insight to Yemi’s personality. He has a soft spot for ladies; many times he argues that their existence makes the world beautiful and makes life worthwhile. Also, he has a sweet tongue and a charming personality among ladies.
On one occasion at the school library, 3 of his girlfriends were present. He was fortunate to have them on separate floors of the 3 Storey – Library complex. That’s how “smart” Yemi can be with babes.
On the door of his wardrobe is a list of his girlfriends (Not their real names). At that time they numbered 15, (a complete football team with 3 reserves). He coded their names with footballers’ name. The list looked like this
1. Peter Cech
2. Ferdinard
3 Cole
4 .Mikel Obi
10. Fabregas
9. Neymar etc
He had a deep affection for Fabregas. He calls her the Captain of his team. On several occasion (In the morning), he takes out her picture from a notebook, then kneeling, he kisses her photo and holds it to his chest romantically.
The question thrown at Yemi was, who will you take out tomorrow? We did not bother to ask about who his girlfriend was, since he has been kind enough to provide us with a list of 15 girlfriends on his wardrobe. He took a deep breath then calls our attention to his list.
Beginning from No 1 to No 15, he gave us a brief of each “player”; with emphasis on their strengths and weaknesses. Finally, he announced his Val as No .10 FABREGAS. He recapped her features as polite, humble, chocolate skin, “plays” to instruction, and has a formidable frontage, impressive backside.
He also made some comments about is No. 9, He says Neymar shows sign of being a great player and has the potential to replace Fabregas as Captain in the near future.
Asides from being a ladies man, Yemi is very humorous. You can never have a dull moment with him. He gave us more than we bargained for, we laughed our hearts out.
At the end of his account, Psts. Bami and Nathy were quick…….. TO BE CONTINUED NEXT WEEK THURSDAY OCT 17, 2013.
Have you been to Love Street? In the next episode I will take you with me on the Walk through Love Street. You will have all the details…… I promise.
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